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The Tortoise and the Hare【HD】- YOYOROCK Interactive Storybook

4.6 ( 4526 ratings )
Onderwijs Boeken
Developer: Rock Mobile, Co.

※ Added five Chinese New Year items and of Doodlebook!! (Paid Version Only)

Only NT$60 for full version now!

The classic Aesop’s Fable meets iPad.
The most borderless and instructive fable in the world has been recreate with a lovely design, catchy plot, various interaction and funny avatars. No unnecessary words to disturb and limit you to sketch the story by yourself, just follow the animations and games, relax and enjoy it! It’s time to experience the pleasure of read, color and play with your kids, try it now!

Storybook: 9 pages of innovative animation/game/interaction in this multimedia book. Simply tap, swipe and read for more fun.
Doodlebook: Color the characters in the story by using the color pens and designed items, then save or share them to your friends via Mail, Facebook or Twitter.
(4 Themes: Free/Halloween/Christmas/Chinese New Year)
Setting: Music/Sound Effect, Help and Contact.

YOYOROCK互動繪本系列 - 龜兔賽跑

※ 塗鴉簿新增中國春節飾品!僅需NT$60,立即享有完整的動畫∕遊戲劇情,並可使用可愛的飾品與畫筆塗繪所有的角色!

這不是一般的繪本, 它沒有文字內容, 全憑可愛逗趣的動畫設計, 與充滿創意的互動遊戲, 啟發小朋友激盪自己的想像力, 徜徉在這個經典寓言的世界中。透過iPad不受限的操作方式, 劃開樹葉、觸碰動物, 讓親子一同盡情享受互動的樂趣。除了寓教於樂的故事之外, 還有好玩的塗鴉本, 共有四個主題(免費、萬聖節、聖誕節與春節), 讓小朋友能任意地替故事中的角色裝扮與上色, 並透過電子郵件、Facebook、Twitter等分享。